Nepalese biggest festival Dashain and Tihar are nearing. But this year Dashain will be very different from past years. The coronavirus pandemic which has started in December 2019 has disrupted all aspects of life, society, and the country not only in Nepal but all over the world. Almost all of the countries have gone to complete lockdown or partial lockdown to curb the virus is spreading.
Since it is a novel virus it has no medicine or vaccine to treat. This has completely baffled the scientific community around the world and has given the government enormous pressure to save the lives of fellow citizens. For now, social distancing and the wearing mask is only the alternative to slow the spread of the virus and to mitigate or limit the damage of virus
But in a big festival like in Dashain, it is very hard to social distance since we all Nepalese will take tika in our forehead from our elders and enjoy all of our holidays with our parents, friends, and our relatives. Therefore in this scenario our great festivals will likely be the great hotspots for the pandemic to rage and once again disrupt our life. Therefore we have to rethink our celebration techniques this year to save ourselves and to save our family, friends, and relative.
We should be very careful not to turn the joy into sorrow. So what effort can you make to celebrate the Dashain without the risk of spreading the virus? Here are the few tips that can be followed so that we can avoid the COVID and enjoy our biggest festivals.
Be truthful to ourselves and to friends and relatives. We should not hide our condition if we contacted the virus. Life is precious. We can celebrate next year these festivals but we cannot celebrate this joyful life if we will not care for ourselves and others. Therefore If we have the symptoms of the Virus then we should immediately be in self-isolation or in quarantine and contact the respective authority for the contract tracing.
Wear a Mask. Wearing Mask will help us in great ways of curbing the spread of the Virus. Masks may help prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others. We have the tradition to sing, dance, eat with a group of people during these festivals. For e.g in Dashain, all of the families prepare the delicious meals for our guests and we eat together enjoying, laughing, and having our very best times. But this year we have to be very careful in this scenario.
We have to maintain social distancing as much we could since if anybody has contracted the virus than without social distancing and without wearing the mask than it will spread very rapidly. Therefore we should take extra precautions for this scenario.
We should house our hands regularly with soap or sanitizers. If possible then we should not hesitate to carry hand sanitizer wherever possible.
We should be very careful in public transportation since it is the ideal place for coronavirus to spread. We should avoid touching the whenever possible but if touched we should immediately sanitize our hand with our hand sanitizer